Three themes — the dairy economy, trade, and plant-based imitators — prevailed above all others at this year’s joint annual meeting of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board
From early on we’re often taught to live by the Golden Rule, “Do unto others, as you would have them do onto you.” It simply means that we should treat people the same way that we would...
There is growing global demand for grass-fed dairy products. Consumers are becoming more concerned about the origins of food, and grass-fed dairy and organic dairy provide alternative products for consumers
Have you ever wanted to talk directly with other farmers and National Dairy Checkoff staff about dairy promotion but didn't know where to go? Well, now there's an easy way to do it
After saving up money from bottle-feeding calves, bedding down calf hutches, and cleaning out our garage, our youngest son, Jacob, came up with enough money for a down payment to purchase his first heifer
Just like humans, cows display sidedness behavior. Maybe you have noticed a cow that always lays down on its right side or is a huge fan of the left side of the milking parlor
When someone mentions that a business is “profitable,” people assume they know what that means. However, we shouldn’t casually make this sort of judgment call
“What happens on paper isn’t always what happens in the field, in the barn, or in the parlor,” said Lisa Holden, an associate professor at Penn State University
The dairy industry has had plenty of issues to drag our spirits down lately. Some of those items would include the fourth year of relatively low milk prices, trade wars, and a wet fall hampering fieldwork...
I am sure most of you know that women are starting to take on more responsibility in the agricultural industry. Back in the 1940s and 1950s, you would see a lot of husbands running the farms while the...
After reading the Hoard’s Dairyman Intel “Feed-cost adjusters get a facelift,” I must share this sarcastic comment — I’m glad USDA believes farmers are make so much money
For generations, farmers have fed calves whole milk. In fact, with the growing popularity of on-farm pasteurizers, some farms have returned to feeding milk for its nutritional benefits after utilizing...